Combined Foam Tender
- Stainless Steel Fire Extinguishers
- Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher
- Co2 Fire Extinguisher
- Water Co2 Fire Extinguisher
- Mechanical Foam Extinguisher
- FM-200/Co2- Gas Flooding System
- Fire Hydrant System
- Fire Detection & Alarm System
- Fire Sprinkler System
- Fire Safety Equipments
- Water Tender
- Combined Foam Tender
- Fire Hydrant Pumps & Accessories
- COVID19 Safety Items
- Auto Safe Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Combined Foam Tender
- Chassis: TATA LPT-1613, 2516 / Ashok Leyland-Comet, Cargo, Beaver, Hippo Haulage, Taurus
- Pump: Single / Double Stage / Multi-Pressure; Capacity (Ipm)
- 1800-2250, 3200, 4000, Pressure (kg/cm2) - 7 to 8.5.
- P.T.O.: Full torque drive line (Indian & Imported)
- Water Tank: [S.S. / M.S.] (L): 3000 to 5000
- Foam Tank: [S.S. / M.S.] (L): 550 to 3000
- Foam Propotioner: Automatic / around the pump
- Supplementry Extinguisher: Co2-4/6x22.5 kg. : DCP-2x75 kg.
- Mounted Eq.: Foam Monitor, Foam System (automatic, manual)
- Optional: Monitor and Accessories
- Lockers: Shutter / Door Type
- Specification: IS 10460 / as per customer requirement.